Thou Shall Be Happy Lecture

Thou Shall Be Happy Lecture

Thou Shall Be Happy Lecture @ Philosophical Research Society, Los Angeles, CA – 08/17/2019

A therapist’s perspective on the 10 hidden coping skills within the 10 Commandments

I recently had the opportunity to speak about my upcoming book Thou Shall Be Happy at The Philosophical Research Society in Los Angeles, California. It truly was an honor and I was humbled to have been invited to speak. I would like to give a big “thank you” to Dr. Salyer, and the rest of the PRS team.

In this lecture I discussed how the 10 Commandments hold secret coping skills for the modern man to find happiness. I reviewed each Commandment and then shared a practical coping skill that everyday people can easily utilize to improve their lives! Some of the practical pieces of advice I encouraged include:

  • Increase your compassion for yourself and for others
  • Volunteer
  • Act respectfully at all times
  • Reflect on at least one thing you are grateful for everyday

While the world is full of darkness and unpredictably, it is also full of unimaginable possibilities of hope, healing and happiness. 

I do hope you enjoy the video and look forward to hearing from you in the comments!

PS – You can get a sneak peak of the first 3 chapters of the book here for free!

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Dr. C.F. Martin



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Words of Wisdom

If you don’t know where you’re going, any road will take you there.